Home Tips & Tricks July 9, 2019

8 Tips for Keeping Your Home Cool for Less This Summer


Although we in the Eastside and Seattle have had a slow start to our summer weather, the heat is supposed to be picking up and we want to make sure everyone (with or without AC) is able to keep their homes cool without racking up energy bills this summer.


Photo by Benjamin Massello on Unsplash


Below is our top 8 tips for keeping your home cool (and energy efficient) this summer:

Photo by Francesca Tosolini on Unsplash

  1. When the sun is out, or setting, close your blinds! Roughly 30-40 percent of unwanted heat gets into your home through windows.


  1. If your home is cooler than the outside temperature, close the door.


  1. Do your laundry in the early morning, after the sun has set or on a cool day to avoid heating up your home when it is already hot.


  1. Use lights as little as possible, turn them off when they are not in use.



Photo by Rishi Deep on Unsplash

5. Lower the humidity in your home by using a dehumidifier to make your home seem cooler.


6. Clean your fans, dusty blades do not work as well.


7. Open windows at both ends of the house to let air move freely.


8. Grill instead of using your stove/oven (we will have a blog post on BBQ tips out soon!)



Enjoy the warm days ahead!